Friday, 13 March 2015

March Madness!

It snowed today...So I am not too pleased. It was really starting to get warm but it snowed today and is supposed to snow all week! I guess I can't take out my spring shoes just yet.

During the last Peace Corps training, we discussed "Student Friendly Schools" and how we can create a safe environment for students in our schools. I loved this! Bullying and fighting in schools is far too common in Kyrgyzstan, and is just tolerated by the teachers. It's usually a "boys will be boys" mentality. But as a crazy feminist, I have no tolerance for this behavior. My Counterpart has been supporting me in making sure our classroom is a safe environment from bullying, fighting, wrestling, hitting, pinching, yelling, distracting and just not participating.

I believe 100% of children have the right to an education and that means 100% of children have the responsibility to learn. We created a contract that the students and parents sign. Because the grading system holds less weight than in America (if you have a few hours we could talk about it later), you have to get pretty creative as to how to motivate students into doing well and for those who aren't, how to find proportional punishments. Sometimes I feel like a drill sergeant (which kills me a little) but it's been worth it. We also set up a star chart for attendance, so if you ever feel inclined to send a care package, please let it include stickers! Just good old plain star stickers. The ones here are pretty bad.

Spring break, can you hear me?

Picture updates!

Phoebe and I spent some time with AUCA students discussing PCVs involvement in promoting gender equality. Wahoo!

The mountains I live near. I can't get over it.

It's a boy! 
My cow had a baby! 
(The calf in previous blog posts died during the winter :( poor thing) 

But this one is cute as well!

English club at my school can be pretty intense

Battle of the sexes

Normal traffic jam in the KG.

I traveled to Issyk Kul to visit a friend and to get a change of scenery. Check out those petroglyphs. 

Lake Issyk Kul

We went to a bazaar for some Ashlamfu. 
A bunch of women just set up shop and yell at your to sit down in their station.
So we did.

And it was glorious.

Also: I'm now a gross millennial and feel like I need a larger audience to see all the things I have to offer this big wide world (mostly food pictures). I have an Instagram account. "sarjandan". yuck.